For centuries, the Faerie Folk has been associated with music. There are many fairy tales narrating stories of never ending faerie dances and deadly mermaid songs. Today, faerie music is becoming more rare and difficult to find and the ones that are blessed by the faeries to compose such music are only a few. Here are some very nice and relaxing faerie music, which will make you travel to the faerie world just by listening to it.
This song really captures the feeling of the Faerie Realm and it's matched with some very nice faerie pictures. The music is sang and composed by Gary Stadler and Wendy Rule.
This song is sang by Faun a german pagan band. The song is called Arcadia and resembles alot faerie dance music.
This song is still from the band Faun but has a more Celtic tune. It's called Iduna.
If you have any suggestions for faery music please post a comment with the title of the song and composer.